About the Centre
The NCU Centre for Climate Change Research (CCCR) was established on December 1, 2019, as a university unit directly subordinate to the Rector, pursuant to Rector's Order 182 of November 28, 2019. It currently consists of fifteen researchers from four faculties representing five separate scientific disciplines (Mathematics and Computer Science; Biological and Veterinary Sciences; Historical Sciences; and Earth Sciences and Spatial Management). The CCCR cooperates with researchers from Poland and abroad.
The main goal of the CCCR is to research climate changes over the last millennium in Poland, Central Europe and polar areas (mainly the Arctic). Nicolaus Copernicus University staff have been working together on this subject since 1999 in less formalised arrangements as part of numerous research projects, as documented by many publications in high-impact journals. The other goals of the CCCR are: 1) To hold scientific conferences and general university lectures, inviting the most prominent world experts in climate change, the environment, etc.; 2) To popularise knowledge about climate change and the environment; 3) To participate in expert teams, writing expert opinions on climate change and its environmental and societal consequences.