
The X International Conference “Man-City-Nature”, organised in Toruń, has a long tradition and a solid group of loyal participants. In October 2015 we will be honoured and pleased to meet you all again. This time the leading topic, which we hope will become an impulse for a fruitful exchange of thoughts, is:

“Man-City-Nature” -  Integrated development of cities and regions: local and regional perspective.


The scope for the Conference leading topic will include the following modules:

  • theoretical-methodological,
  • socio-demographic,
  • economic,
  • innovative regions and creative cities – challenges of the 21st c.,
  • environmental,
  • integrated and sustainable development of regions and urban ecosystems, intelligent and passive cities,
  • planning-legal,
  • urban-architectural,
  • methodical (with a stress on GIS solutions).

We also cordially invite to participate in the Conference all young researchers who are at the beginning of their journey towards science. Friendly atmosphere of the meetings will allow all the freedom to express opinions and present achievements.

See you all in Toruń in the autumn.